About Us
The Longhorn Arena and Event Center is privately owned by Dr. Ruth Whitely, PhD LPC-S, BCN, NCC. Dr. Whitely used her love for horses and her life passion for helping children, teens and families through life struggles in her counseling practice. ​​​​​​Dr. Whitely is a Licensed Professional Counselor utilizing horses in individual and group therapy for children and adults. (This is why the Longhorn Arena and Event Center is attached to the Mental Health Clinic of Greenville, Texas.)
The arena was built to fulfill Dr. Whitely's dream of utilizing horses much like you hear counselors using dogs in pet therapy. As a horse owner and lover, Dr. Whitely saw the advantages of using horses in her private practice because horses mirror or reflect human emotions allowing clients to examine emotions and experience a sense of empowerment and assertiveness. The human horse interaction allows the clients to question him or herself, and find his or her own answers, take initiative, make decisions and take responsibility for his or her choices. Horses facilitate spontaneous opportunities for learning which, in turn allows the participant to experience failure, success adventure, risk taking and uncertainty.
When Dr. Whitely is not using the arena for therapy the multi-complex arena used for horsemanship clinics, competitions, livestock shows, weddings, Quinceanera's, circuses and other community events.